
A concert that continues the 60th anniversary celebrations of the launch of Radio 3 (which began life as the Third Programme).
It's also the opening live concert of the BBC Symphony Orchestra's new Barbican Season; and celebrates the Listen Up! Season - a month-long festival of British orchestras.
Featuring the world premiere of a work by British composer Jonathan Dove. The BBCSO's new Chief Conductor Jiri Belohlavek is at the helm. Presented by Sarah Walker.

  1. ドボルザーク組曲 イ長調 Dvorák: Suite in A
  2. ジョナサン・ダヴ:《方丈記》(BBC3開局60周年記念委託作品) Jonathan Dove: Hojoki, An Account of My Hut

Lawrence Zazzo     ▲Jiří Bělohlávek      ▲Jonthan Dove
