• BBC Radio 3 > Performance on 3 > Wednesday 11 June 2008, 19:00-20:45
  • BBC - (none) - Performance on 3 - Mark Padmore and Roger Vignoles
  • Saturday 24 May 2008, 7.30 pm - Wigmore Hall, London - "Song Recital Series"
    • In the last of his three concerts featuring the song cycles of Schubert, tenor Mark Padmore is joined in London's Wigmore Hall by pianist Roger Vignoles to perform Schwanengesang.
      Although the title - Swansong - and the order of the songs is the work of a publisher eager to cash in after Schubert's death, the various settings treat a subject dear to German Romanticism: Sehnsucht, translated as longing or yearning.

Franz Schubert: Schwanengesang

ベートーヴェン Ludwig van Beethoven

  1. 連作歌曲《遥かなる恋人に寄す》
    Liderzyklus "An die ferne Geliebte" op. 98
  2. 歌曲集《8つの歌》より、第4曲「五月の歌」(J.W.ゲーテ作詞)
    8 Gesänge un Lieder op. 52: Nr. 5 "Maigesang"
  3. 歌曲集《6つの歌》より、第2曲「新しき愛、新しき生命」(J.W.ゲーテ作詞)
    6 Gesänge op 75: Nr. 2 "Neue Liebe, neues Leben"
  4. 歌曲「アデライーデ」Adelaide op 46

フランツ・シューベルト Franz Schubert

  1. 歌曲集《白鳥の歌
